PhoÂtogÂraÂphy and video have advanced to such a degree that any one of us, for a modÂest investÂment of capÂiÂtal, can own the reqÂuiÂsite equipÂment to make proÂducÂtions at the same levÂel of qualÂiÂty as the pros. And most of us already hold in our hands comÂputÂers capaÂble of proÂducÂing and editÂing hunÂdreds of rich still and movÂing images. What we may lack, what most of us lack, are the skills and expeÂriÂence of the proÂfesÂsionÂals. No amount of fanÂcy phoÂto gear can make up the difÂferÂence, but you can at least acquire the education—a very thorÂough, techÂniÂcal eduÂcaÂtion in digÂiÂtal photography—online, and for free.
Taught by StanÂford proÂfesÂsor EmerÂiÂtus of ComÂputÂer SciÂence Marc LevÂoy, the course above, simÂply called “LecÂtures on DigÂiÂtal PhoÂtogÂraÂphy,” covÂers seemÂingÂly everyÂthing you might need to know and then some: from the parts of a digÂiÂtal camÂera (“every screw”), to the forÂmuÂla for depth of field, the prinÂciÂples of high dynamÂic range, and the hisÂtoÂry and art of phoÂtoÂgraphÂic comÂpoÂsiÂtion.
Beware, this course may not suit the casuÂal Instagrammer—it requires aspiÂraÂtion and “a cell phone won’t sufÂfice.” AddiÂtionÂalÂly, though LevÂoy says he assumes no priÂor knowlÂedge, he does expect a few non-camÂera-relatÂed acaÂdÂeÂmÂic skill sets:
The only knowlÂedge I assume is enough facilÂiÂty and comÂfort with mathÂeÂmatÂics that you’re not afraid to see the depth-of-field forÂmuÂla in all its gloÂry, and an inteÂgral sign here or there won’t send you runÂning for the hills. Some topÂics will require conÂcepts from eleÂmenÂtary probÂaÂbilÂiÂty and staÂtisÂtics (like mean and variÂance), but I define these conÂcepts in lecÂture. I also make use of matrix algeÂbra, but only at the levÂel of matrix mulÂtiÂpliÂcaÂtion. FinalÂly, an expoÂsure to digÂiÂtal sigÂnal proÂcessÂing or FouriÂer analyÂsis will give you a betÂter intuÂition for some topÂics, but it is not required.
Sound a litÂtle dauntÂing? You will not need an expenÂsive SLR camÂera (sinÂgle lens reflex), though it would help you get the most out of comÂplex disÂcusÂsions of setÂtings. The topÂics of some interÂacÂtive feaÂtures may sound mystifying—“gamut-mapping,” “cylindrical-panoramas”—but Levoy’s lecÂtures, all in well-shot video, move at a brisk pace, and he conÂtexÂtuÂalÂizes new sciÂenÂtifÂic terms and conÂcepts with a facilÂiÂty that will put you at ease. LevÂoy forÂmerÂly taught the course at StanÂford between 2009 and 2014. The verÂsion he teachÂes online here comes from a Google class givÂen this year—eighÂteen lecÂtures spanÂning 11 weeks.
Find all of the course materials—including interÂacÂtive applets and assignments—at Levoy’s course site. As he notes, since the course has “gone viral,” many videos embedÂded on the site won’t play propÂerÂly. LevÂoy directs potenÂtial stuÂdents to his Youtube chanÂnel. You can see the full playlist of lecÂtures at the top of this post as well. For more resources in phoÂtogÂraÂphy education—practical and theÂoÂretÂiÂcal, beginÂner to advanced—see PetaPixel’s list of “the best free online phoÂtogÂraÂphy coursÂes and tutoÂriÂals.”
“LecÂtures on DigÂiÂtal PhoÂtogÂraÂphy” will be added to our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
via PetaPixÂel
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
See the First Known PhoÂtoÂgraph Ever TakÂen (1826)
MuseÂum of ModÂern Art (MoMA) LaunchÂes Free Course on LookÂing at PhoÂtographs as Art
Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness
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